什么 可以 I Expect After Filing a Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Retaliation Complaint?
  •  A prompt response - After submission of a Complaint Form, NDSU will inform you whether it will take action on your complaint or whether it will be dismissed (if, 例如, the complaint fails to allege any facts that suggest discrimination, 骚扰, or retaliation).
  • Referral, as available - If your complaint is dismissed, NDSU will try to provide you with other resources that may be able to help you resolve your complaint.
  • Remedial measures - If further action is taken on your complaint, NDSU will provide appropriate remedial measures that could include, but are not limited to, a no contact directive, residence/academic/work/parking modifications, or referral to counseling or other health services, to ensure safety, to remedy harm, and to prevent potential ongoing discrimination, 骚扰, and/or retaliation.
  • A strong stance against retaliation - NDSU does not tolerate retaliation, which may involve intimidation, 骚扰, or reprisal in response to filing a discrimination complaint or otherwise participating in the discrimination complaint procedures.  NDSU is committed to taking appropriate disciplinary action against those found to have retaliated.  If you believe you have been retaliated against, you are encouraged to file a Complaint Form.
  • In some cases, the option of informal resolution - Depending on the circumstances of the complaint and the desire of the parties, informal resolution may be available to resolve a complaint in a prompt, 有效的, and mutually agreeable manner.
  • An adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation - If informal resolution is unavailable, 无效的, or undesired by a party or parties, formal resolution of a complaint is always available, which includes a neutral and thorough investigation of the complaint, a finding as to whether discrimination occurred, and recommended disciplinary action.
  • An appeal process - If formal resolution is used to resolve a complaint, either party has the right to appeal the results of that process.
  • Appropriate disciplinary action - NDSU does not tolerate discrimination, 骚扰, or retaliation and will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for discrimination, 骚扰, and/or retaliation.


什么 不能 I Expect After Filing a Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Retaliation Complaint?
  • No guarantee of confidentiality - NDSU respects requests for confidentiality and will keep your discrimination complaint and its investigation confidential to the extent that it is possible.  然而, it is important to note that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed when you submit a Complaint Form and NDSU may be obligated to take specific action once aware of alleged discriminatory conduct.  Please see below for confidential support resources and anonymous reporting options.

Anonymous Reporting

NDSU students, faculty, and staff may submit anonymous reports of bias, bigotry, or hate at NDSU. Please note that NDSU may be limited in its response if you submit an anonymous report.  Report Bias, Bigotry, or Hate

For more information about Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office Investigations, click here>>
